The MX Track - How was your day today?

I'm gonna preface my next post here by saying that unless the 2 week break was good for me and I come back from this break with new vigor, and have a stellar day at the track tomorrow, I think I'm in a rut. It even occurred to me that maybe I should sell my YZ and get my Dyna running.

2 weeks ago at the track, I didn't feel like I was improving in the jumps, which is where I want to improve. Watched the video afterwards and I'm just doing the same thing. On the big jumps I dont send it & land hard. Cornering improved, but there are some jumps that I am just afraid of.
I am 48, (and have a lot to lose if I injure myself) so that weighs heavy on my mind, but I feel like I'm not reaching that next plateau.

I've always been an athlete, and understand the level thing, but I feel like I should just man-up and just send it on these jumps. Like the landings would be softer, and less of an impact.

Do you guys go through the same thing? I assume you must.
I've done this with many things in my life (playing guitar comes to mind, skydiving too), and maybe I just need to wait until "the right time" to send it. But I'm tired of not feeling like I'm moving forward. Impatient.
And everyone tells me once I send it, I'll be asingk myself why I haven't been doing this since the start. And I understand this too because of the step-up that I learned to send-it on, (and still need to clear), but man...
I cant do anymore $15,000 helicopter rides.

A guy my age at work said to me about MX, "thats a young mans sport". But I love it and dont consider myself to be (feel) young.
He rides a StreetGlide.

Maybe I'm just being a whiny bitch and should STFU and ride.
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I'm gonna preface my next post here by saying that unless the 2 week break was good for me and I come back from this break with new vigor, and have a stellar day at the track tomorrow, I think I'm in a rut. It even occurred to me that maybe I should sell my YZ and get my Dyna running.

2 weeks ago at the track, I didn't feel like I was improving in the jumps, which is where I want to improve. Watched the video afterwards and I'm just doing the same thing. On the big jumps I dont send it & land hard. Cornering improved, but there are some jumps that I am just afraid of.
I am 48, (and have a lot to lose if I injure myself) so that weighs heavy on my mind, but I feel like I'm not reaching that next plateau.

I've always been an athlete, and understand the level thing, but I feel like I should just man-up and just send it on these jumps. Like the landings would be softer, and less of an impact.

Do you guys go through the same thing? I assume you must.
I've done this with many things in my life (playing guitar comes to mind, skydiving too), and maybe I just need to wait until "the right time" to send it. But I'm tired of not feeling like I'm moving forward. Impatient.
And everyone tells me once I send it, I'll be asingk myself why I haven't been doing this since the start. And I understand this too because of the step-up that I learned to send-it on, (and still need to clear), but man...
I cant do anymore $15,000 helicopter rides.

A guy my age at work said to me about MX, "thats a young mans sport". But I love it and dont consider myself to be (feel) young.
He rides a StreetGlide.

Maybe I'm just being a whiny bitch and should STFU and ride.

You’re being a whiny bitch.
You’re at an age where responsibility outweighs self importance. It doesn’t mean you can’t jump the 70’ double, just means you are thinking about the consequences if you bobble. This tells me you aren’t ready to conquer the next step but need to revisit the basic skills. Go back to cornering, attack position, positioning, over gripping, throttle control and overall working on riding with the power full on. More times than not the power of a 2t on the pipe discourages people from staying in the meat of the power where you ultimately have the most control when you have really honed the basic skills.
Yeah you are stuck in a rut but only because your basics aren’t as good as they should be.
Yes , Winey bitch .... I' m 66 , come follow me and my 10 yr. Old grandson around the track.... or you can follow my 6 yr. Old around the kiddie track ....he can do doubles .....
57 and my rubber stays on the dirt as much as possible. Insurance is shit, and being laid up "even retired" would phuck everything up as I am a caregiver, not a caregetter.
Feeling your angst here :hug: my right thumb is detached from my hand being held by soft tissue and muscle and I can't afford to go for the free op or my private insurance as it'll put me out of forwork and driving for at least 3 months:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Feeling your angst here :hug: my right thumb is detached from my hand being held by soft tissue and muscle and I can't afford to go for the free op or my private insurance as it'll put me out of forwork and driving for at least 3 months:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Here is how fucked up it is in America for O'NIGGER care. Free for illegals, but when I go for a blood test it is 2,179.00 through the insurance, I pay 179.00 and 70% of the 2,000.00. If I pay cash and don't run it through the insurance the exact same blood tests are 379.00 dollars. Do the math... FUCK YOU O'NIGGER CARE!!!!
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Can't take care of us , but CAN help the illegal's ?? Should have started taking care of THAT problem 50 years ago ...all it would have taken ,,, an iron fist , or a few bullets . Kinda late now ........
Uh, it’s about mx boys.
Not trying to talk you in or out just saying my opinion. When the day comes I have to quit I’ll have plenty of reasons why.
When feelings of self preservation prevail, back off. Never think about the crash until after the crash. Some days I go to the track and think to myself wtf am I doing here. Just not feeling it. Those are the times I practice my cornering and the jumps I feel confident with(if any). By the end of the day I’m usually railing it and fear is long forgotten. I always take an hour to warm up anyway. My son is the opposite, he jams off the trailer like flicking a switch and he’s in the zone, but he’s been riding since he was 5. I take my time. It’s a young mans sport for sure, being that you have to get into it when you’re invincible. Once you have realized your own mortality it’s tougher to take the chances you have to take to progress. Things go horribly wrong in a heartbeat and you just can’t give a fuck. My first go at mx was in ‘04 and I’m 51 now so do the math on that.
At least if you wad it at moto your problem is usually your fault. Get T boned on that dyna and hope the dipshit who hits you insurance or you can pay for that one yourself. At least you can have someone else to blame if that helps any.
Well that post brought more replies than I expected. day at the track today, was GOOD!
The 2 week hiatus was beneficial. I rode a little harder, and sent it a little further, and I'm gonna make it to work on Monday, so I'm happy. I dont mind being a whiny biotch.
And thanks for the opinions.

I went with a new co-worker/friend of mine (not the cop), and he rides an 06 YZ250F.
We switched bikes for about 5 laps.

His bike was noticeably smaller than mine frame-wise; sat lower, handle bars were lower, felt smaller. When we re-jetted it (he came from Colorado), I noticed his frame and misc parts were different. I was expecting him to show up with the same frame as mine for whatever reason.
It was also much "slower" than mine, right out of the gate, but made good power up top.
After a few laps, I noticed that my corner speed was faster, I put more power to the ground, and I was able to send it father than I do on mine.

It's parked in my garage right now...and you know what they say about that ownership/possession thing...that whole 9/10th's of the law...

He's a cool dude. I'm sure the bike is mine if I want it.
I'm gonna let the kiddo take it to the track next weekend, I'm sure he'll love it.

Edit - now I'm really curious about how that 04 KX250F I have is gonna feel...
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A strong 250f is my bike of choice but :deadhorse:
At a lazy 35~hp against a yz250 it would be a bit of a snooze by comparison, being more predictable might make it easier to control. I haven’t ridden in a month and haven’t moto in 9 weeks so I’ll be nice and rusty tomorrow. Getting hot in Texas and I’ve got 2.5 gal of vP to burn then I think I’m out until probably sept. Unless we get a freak cold front. And by cold front I mean under 90° lol
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Well that post brought more replies than I expected. day at the track today, was GOOD!
The 2 week hiatus was beneficial. I rode a little harder, and sent it a little further, and I'm gonna make it to work on Monday, so I'm happy. I dont mind being a whiny biotch.
And thanks for the opinions.

I went with a new co-worker/friend of mine (not the cop), and he rides an 06 YZ250F.
We switched bikes for about 5 laps.

His bike was noticeably smaller than mine frame-wise; sat lower, handle bars were lower, felt smaller. When we re-jetted it (he came from Colorado), I noticed his frame and misc parts were different. I was expecting him to show up with the same frame as mine for whatever reason.
It was also much "slower" than mine, right out of the gate, but made good power up top.
After a few laps, I noticed that my corner speed was faster, I put more power to the ground, and I was able to send it father than I do on mine.

It's parked in my garage right now...and you know what they say about that ownership/possession thing...that whole 9/10th's of the law...

He's a cool dude. I'm sure the bike is mine if I want it.
I'm gonna let the kiddo take it to the track next weekend, I'm sure he'll love it.

Edit - now I'm really curious about how that 04 KX250F I have is gonna feel...

Completely different. There was huge amounts of R&D in those 2 years. Everyone wanted the #1 4T
Went to a REAL MX track today, Arizona Cycle Park. Holy cripes what a difference.
ACP's national track makes my track's national track look like a vet track. Farging HUGE jumps!
And their vet track makes my tracks look like a kiddie track.
I've never been so high off the ground (on a bike).

I figured a change of scenery would be good. Been hanging at Motoland for the last 2 years straight, and I'm pretty sure those jumps there that I've been working up to, are gonna look a lot different next time.

And by cold front I mean under 90° lol
I'm with you there brother. It's 97 here right now, and gonna be 104 by 5pm. Gonna be 109 on Thursday.
Started off my day with a dingleberry so thick I probably should have taken a shower. I said mmm bad juju gonna be a bad day. I was wrong. Cloud cover held temps to mid 80’s and took about 10 laps to figure out the good lines then I was in the zone. Lots of hidden areas and switched up between hard pack, deep sand and hard pack with sand on top. Slippery shit. Glad I had brand new rubber. Put 2 solid hours on the meter, kept lapping like it was my last ride until I realized I hadn’t passed (or been passed) by anyone for a while. I pulled out and rode to the parking area and everyone was gone! My bud was loaded up already and I said wtf he goes, better scram the bottoms gonna fall out in 20 min and we’ll never get our trucks out of here! Dammit! 15 min later the rain blew in sideways. All in all a great day although feel a bit cheated, there’s nothing less fun than mud-0-cross anyway so it was good time to split.
Praying for that cold front.
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