Grounded! :(

Now, when your at school, do you work and get good grades so you can starting riding again. :ride: Doing homework, studying, etc takes only an hour or so a day in high school. And its really easy when you think about it. Do it right away and be done with it. Then when your done, you can do whatever you want. Your parents will be happy, your teachers, and most importantly, you will also because you can :ride:.
Now, when your at school, do you work and get good grades so you can starting riding again. :ride: Doing homework, studying, etc takes only an hour or so a day in high school. And its really easy when you think about it. Do it right away and be done with it. Then when your done, you can do whatever you want. Your parents will be happy, your teachers, and most importantly, you will also because you can :ride:.
I don't think I ever studied an hour a day in high school.... got a 3.55 and a AA degree, so can't complain lol
I don't think I ever studied an hour a day in high school.... got a 3.55 and a AA degree, so can't complain lol
i wish i was that good!! i had to flake out on a couple of dates so i can cram in studying, reading, and preparing just so i can go ridding on this weekend!! :lol: haha the girl isnt too happy about that. :noidea:
still grounded....

Fellow young motorcycle enthusiast. Parking my bike all summer would have been the worst punishment ever when I was young, but I tell you what I would have never let my grades fall again. Here is the thing. When you graduate High school it feels like a weight is lifted off your chest.(At least it did for me) No more running home checking the mail for progress reports, no more screening phone calls from teachers on a friday night, so I didnt get grounded. No more forging report cards and no more ass whoopins for lying about turning in homework you never did. THEN you realize, or at least I did, why in the hell did I put myself through that. My parents weren't asking for me to come home with a 4.0 GPA and honor roll and shit. They just wanted me to do the best that I could and A-B's came easy to me IF I applied myself.

So after all that rambling here is the point. You do good in school, Life is good. Yah its easier to slack off and not do good, but is it really? Would you rather slack off for an hour everyday and not do your home work or pay attention in class or would you rather ride your dirt bike all summer. Here is what I learned and I told my dad this about a week after graduation. I realized it didn't take anymore time to do good in school than it did to do bad. AND if I did good in school it was a whole lot easier on me when I got home.

Here is how I look at it. When I started riding I couldn't jump, or ride corners fast or hit whoop sections in the Desert. So what did I do PRACTICE. After hours and hours I finally got it. Why wouldn't you apply that same mind set to school?
I got a 2.5 one quarter while doing community college in 11th grade. It delayed me getting a new bike 6 months. Got a 4.0 next quarter, then a 3.94 and a 3.65. Here At WSU, I have like a 3.3... Its ok, but Im happy with it.
i wish i was that good!! i had to flake out on a couple of dates so i can cram in studying, reading, and preparing just so i can go ridding on this weekend!! :lol: haha the girl isnt too happy about that. :noidea:
Yeah, I didn't date anybody in HS... (loser) lolol.... Its all good now, I just missed out on the drama, and have a sweet GF now!