250 1988 yz250 build

Got almost all the parts now. Just waiting on a few more to rebuild the engine. Lately I've just been cleaning, polishing each part from the bike individually. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
And now for the big question... The back wheel on the right side there's a gap between it and the swing arm:
And I can slide the wheel from side to side on the back which is not good! I know something is missing that holds it in place but I can't figure out what it is. I looked on the bike bandit diagram and I'm not sure which one of those pieces it is that I'm missing.
Here's what I have
Looks good. Missing wheel spacer usually
yep I think it's the spacer I'm missing. I'll buy a new one. Also I was about to put my carburetor back on and I noticed that my needle is very slightly bent. Not a lot but if you look close you can see a curve. Should I replace it?