South Can I tag along ?

Did I ever tell you about the skin tag I had on my hip? Well, it bothered my wife (not me) because it was about a 1/4 inch long so one day I hacked it off with a knife while cutting up Jalipenos. It got infected and damn near hurt me bad. So, moral of the story is Yes, let them all tag along or have them professionally removed. Let me see if I can upload a photo of its festering puss....


Staff member
...I would have appreciated the facts a couple days ago rather than the teaser...
I understand what you mean, finding someone deceased is nothing to be glib about...

Somehow I couldn't imagine an individual, coming across such as scene, would have any information about who, why, or when. Let alone would it be proper to spread that information around before the families were notified?

Enough. I am sorry to hear of such loss. But this thread is about riding...
Yeah, I saw Jeff's posts earlier when he had just posted them. I was going to respond but I didn't want to upset him more. The way the situation was handled was perfect though. Someone shouldn't post "facts" or any more info then is necessary until the family is notified. And even then, it might not be appropriate. I'm sorry for your loss Jeff if that man was your friend. It's a unfortunate outcome. My prayers go out to his loved ones. But don't be talking crap online (even though you did delete it) because you think the situation wasn't handled correctly. And to clarify, no one ever complained or said it was an "inconvenience" to a ride like you wrote. No need make things up now. Anyways, again my prayers go out to his family and friends.