You might be a Dirt Bike Rider if...

Not exactly the same but sort might be a Hooligan if you use the ATM like I do:devil:
You walk aroudn the store looking for containers suitable to hold gas in and wonder WTF to do with the contents...Same goes when walking thru your own garage as I did last night picking up full prestone bottles and even laundry detergent bottles...:devil:...put it in a bucket right, it'll still work! :prof:
you might be a dirt bike rider if...
hockey/ football guys complain about how hard practice was last night.. and you're thinkin' "do you know what I do every weekend"
All the dr's at the emergency room know you on a first name basis.
spas would charge a fortune for all the mud you have on your face after you get done racing
If you think taking it full throttle is the answer to all life's problems
somebody asks you if you're ok after a crash and you say "all I remember was dirt, sky, dirt sky, hospital
you're in three classes with one of your riding buddies, and all of the teachers wanna kill you
you see a lil' kid at the track playing with a toy bike and you think "aaww... keep rockin' kid"
Until you step on the kids toy bike and cry your self to sleep :smirk:
When you carry a picture of your bike with you wherever you go
your girlfriend gets 2 out of 29 in open womens AMA on an 85
you scream BRAAAAAAAAP in class until everyone starts in and doesn't know what you mean
:hifive: dudes wearing fox
when theres a bunch of people you say out loud "Race Saturday, Renthal parts tomarrow!! BRAAAAAAA-" till your dad yells at you
When dinner is your favorite past time but you blow it off to make sure the 1 gal jug will fit on the front fender strapped onto the forks with numerous bunjees......then make sure you POS bike starts, and wake up in the middle of the night wondering if you should chance taking your POS on the million mile ride...then fall back to sleep thinking of what you'll miss if you didn't go! :ride:
You know you're a dirt bike rider when you go to an off road expo and are disappointed because there's hardly any bike stuff...but the truck stuff was cool, just not the same! :smirk: