All Ticket from BLM regarding litter in the fire pit.

Ok guys. In the above post is a copy of the ticket. I/we feel somewhat responsible here and as previously mentioned, am asking the people who camped with us to donate $20 per family to help defray the cost of the ticket. If you feel so inclined, send your check made out to me, Bruce Gendron, at P.O. Box 297, Frazier Park, CA 93225. I will give them to Tom to pay the ticket. Thanks in advance to all that are gonna help. Really want to show Tom what a great community DBA is.:thumb:
Ok guys. In the above post is a copy of the ticket. I/we feel somewhat responsible here and as previously mentioned, am asking the people who camped with us to donate $20 per family to help defray the cost of the ticket. If you feel so inclined, send your check made out to me, Bruce Gendron, at P.O. Box 297, Frazier Park, CA 93225. I will give them to Tom to pay the ticket. Thanks in advance to all that are gonna help. Really want to show Tom what a great community DBA is.:thumb:
10-4! I will send it in the next few days.