The Guns Thread

Well I screwed up last night and forgot my earplugs. :facepalm:

Sure hope that this ringing in my ears goes away. :lol:
Don't count on it any time soon. You actually shot it with no ear protection? :naughty: If you had some 38's or 9 mils you can shove those in your ears, or even peanuts in the shell. :smirk: I can not shoot without some sort of ear protection as I have done bad things to my ears for too many years. I have constant ringing in my ears.

Did you get the thing sighted in anyway? I am ready to go do some shooting as I have gathered up a couple thousand rounds from various on line places at some good prices. :thumb:


Staff member
Don't count on it any time soon. You actually shot it with no ear protection? :naughty: If you had some 38's or 9 mils you can shove those in your ears, or even peanuts in the shell. :smirk: I can not shoot without some sort of ear protection as I have done bad things to my ears for too many years. I have constant ringing in my ears.

Did you get the thing sighted in anyway? I am ready to go do some shooting as I have gathered up a couple thousand rounds from various on line places at some good prices. :thumb:
Either I've gotten used to it (doubtful) or the ringing has gone down. :bonk:

Yeah I always wear hearing protection, just forgot it this time. BTW do soldiers wear ear plugs or something?

DBA stickers are like duck tape, they have many uses. :smirk:

Either I've gotten used to it (doubtful) or the ringing has gone down. :bonk:

Yeah I always wear hearing protection, just forgot it this time. BTW do soldiers wear ear plugs or something?

DBA stickers are like duck tape, they have many uses. :smirk:

View attachment 7133

I'd always wondered that too, James. They dont in combat of course, which is pretty amazing if you think about it. I think they might during training though. I wonder how bad their hearing is affected when there's a hundred guns and explosions going off. I'd imagine that's where a lot of PTSD plays it's part later on.

I need to sight in my AR too. :pout:


I shot my 16 gauge without hearing protection.

No damage, just 3 days of ringin.


I shot my .243 at a couple pounds of tannerite with no hearing protection. Am I a badass now?
I'd always wondered that too, James. They dont in combat of course, which is pretty amazing if you think about it. I think they might during training though. I wonder how bad their hearing is affected when there's a hundred guns and explosions going off. I'd imagine that's where a lot of PTSD plays it's part later on.

I need to sight in my AR too. :pout:


I shot my .243 at a couple pounds of tannerite with no hearing protection. Am I a badass now?


Badasses o'er here.
I've been known to shoot my 10/22 with no hearing protection. Anything else and I always use at least some kind of protection.

223 isn't quiet, but in the scale of things it's not too much. My 44 mag is pretty insane compared to every other gun I won.

Found this chart.

db Environmental noise
0 Threshold of hearing
10 Normal breathing
20 Rusting leaves
30 Whisper at 30 feet
40 Quiet street
50 Interior home noise
60 Conversation
70 Crowded restaurant
75 Kitchen appliances
80 City traffic
85 Hearing damage possible
90 Lawn mower
100 Chain shaw
120 Threshold of pain
120 Siren
134 .22 LR rifle
140 Jet engine at take-off
150 .410 shotgun
152 .22 LR pistol
153 20 gauge shotgun
155 .223 rifle
155 .25 pistol
156 12 gauge shotgun
156 .30-.30 rifle
156 .308 rifle
156 .44 Special revolver
157 .22 Magnum pistol
157 .45 ACP pistol
158 .380 ACP pistol
158 .38 Special revolver
159 .30-06
160 9mm Para pistol
163 .41 Magnum revolver
164 .357 Magnum revolver
164 .44 Magnum revolver


Staff member
Found this article on hearing protection for troops.

It's sort of a catch 22; wear hearing protection and your situational awareness goes done. Don't wear hearing protection and after an IED explosion/firefight, your ears are ringing like crazy and you're partially deaf. That's providing you didn't blow an ear drumb from an explosion. Don't really see a winner. :noidea:

One solution could be electronic ear protection, but lets be honest that probably won't work that great out in the field. :bonk:

223 isn't quiet, but in the scale of things it's not too much. My 44 mag is pretty insane compared to every other gun I won.
The 5.56 isn't to bad if it's only a couple rounds, however I put 60 rounds through, the last 10-15 being in rapid session (like a boss :P).

Found this chart.
That's an interesting chart, curious as to why that 9mm is so loud. BTW where does the .40 fit in?
That's an interesting chart, curious as to why that 9mm is so loud. BTW where does the .40 fit in?

The main thing is barrel length. A longer barrel allows the gases to loose energy. Handguns excel in turning powder into sound and rifles put it more into the bullet. For example the 223 has more bullet muzzle energy than a 44 mag, but the 44 mag makes about 8 times the peak sound energy.

I think that 9mm and 40 will be pretty close given the same barrel length.


Staff member
The main thing is barrel length. A longer barrel allows the gases to loose energy. Handguns excel in turning powder into sound and rifles put it more into the bullet. For example the 223 has more bullet muzzle energy than a 44 mag, but the 44 mag makes about 8 times the peak sound energy.

I think that 9mm and 40 will be pretty close given the same barrel length.
Interesting, yeah the handguns do sound louder.