Today was the first day of the new regime, resistance training. Plan:
10 minute warm up run (1.5 miles)
TRX suspension workout, 20 atomic push ups, 20 burpees left and right.
Benching 3 sets of 25-35-45 to failure
Medicine ball crossovers with an 18lb ball, 3 sets of 20
Step up press, 3 sets of 10 25lbs
Pull ups, 3 sets of 10
Bent rows, 3 sets of 12
Stability ball jack knife, 3 sets of 12
Dead lift 3 sets of 12 on the bench bar at 115lbs
3 sets of 15 elastic curls on the "powerband"
I run my workouts short and really intense. I finished in a little over and hour with just enough break time to walk a lap around the weight room and shake off the sensation of getting ready to puke.
Tomorrow starts out at 4:30-5 am on the bike doing cardio then some atomic pushups and pull ups and such since I'm unable to get a gym membership till dec.1