RM125 87 & 88 rm125


Staff member
:shocked: Whoa Nighthawk has a bike..errrr...bikes. :rocker:

:thinking: If you're still planning on coming out to the track someday, you'd better make sure that your suspension is squared away or it could be a little dicey. :crash: :smirk:
Okay, so after further examination... for both of the cranks, it doesnt matter which crank i use, (same stroke length [thats what she said] and the same pin connects the 2 halves, PLUS im using the 87 clutch basket) so its the 87 crank for sure, and ive split the 88 cases gotten all of the internals out, and gone through all of the chassis and wheel bearings on the 87 frame
Okay guys, I need some help sourcing a 1988 .5mm over piston, I need everything Piston, rings, wrist pin, bearing, and circlips. It can be any brand really, OEM wiseco, doesn't really matter, I just want it to be 54.5mm.

Thanks in advanced :thumb: