I wonder if there is somehow a way to use a 12v lithium battery like this. :thinking:

It would be worth it to find out. Years ago we tried it with a makita drill battery. we needed more amperage than we could get from the battery and ran two of them parallel on a snowmachine. worked very well. a friend of mine put a single 18 from a ryobi on a 15hp honda clone engine and it worked well enough. started it very cold. taking two of those on ebay or even three and doing the parallel link should get you plenty of juice.


Staff member

It would be worth it to find out. Years ago we tried it with a makita drill battery. we needed more amperage than we could get from the battery and ran two of them parallel on a snowmachine. worked very well. a friend of mine put a single 18 from a ryobi on a 15hp honda clone engine and it worked well enough. started it very cold. taking two of those on ebay or even three and doing the parallel link should get you plenty of juice.
Yep, I crank my Chinese 200's with my 19.2v drill batteries. Works like a dream. -BIG DAN:thumb:
Havnt seen one of those since 8th grade.....they still have those? Besides I had to eat 48,000 boxes of sugar coated chocolate flakes to get my decoder ring (plus shipping and handeling of course) so I need to use it when I get a chance.
Tourette's was once considered a rare and bizarre syndrome, most often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia),:thumb: