Other YZ490 bogging

When you are serious about trying the things suggested here, people don't mind helping. If you don't understand it is fine to say so, but finding definitions is pretty easy, as are at least schematic diagrams. it is kind of a situation where being prepared gets you to the point of asking more concise questions.
Right on I'll do more research before I make the question leap I hear ya
When you are serious about trying the things suggested here, people don't mind helping. If you don't understand it is fine to say so, but finding definitions is pretty easy, as are at least schematic diagrams. it is kind of a situation where being prepared gets you to the point of asking more concise questions.
Yup he is right on! Andy (ossagp) is one of the aforementioned helpful knowwledgable souls and if you listen he won't steer you wrong:ride: he may eventually get grumpy though if you don't listen:boxing::smirk::P