Xbox Live


Staff member
Here is a little rule.
If I don't do it with him/her it is their toy and can be taken away! I don't play electronics so gone it is.
Because riding moto is a father/kid thing, I will not take that away. I did once a long time ago and it was messed up! I learn from mistakes.

Xbox/Play station is a stupid thing to waste your life on. :thumb:
I [obviously] don't have kids but I've been told by other fathers that you shouldn't use the bike/riding as a bargaining tool. :thumb:
I don't see how taking away xbl rather than the whole xbox will make an impact on their studies. Unless you're taking the xbox away too then all the power to you :lol:
becuase most kids (like my generation before ONLINE gaming) would play but get bored with it and still want to go outside. the kids today with online and how real and fun they can be will try to spend every single spare minute playing.

i have no issues with my kid playing video games but its kept in check cause even at 8 he would want to do nothing else if i let him.

ps... wasting your life on xbox would be retarded as fuck but i dont see a problem with using it as a form of entertainment. Watching TV can be worse. most the shit on tv wont teach you a dam thing or gain you any kind of skills. of course there is programs that will teach you things if you listen but weather its a good game for a kid or a bad game for a kid it teaches them great hand eye coordination and with the way technology is going that is going to be a more and more useful skill to have.
Here is a little rule.
If I don't do it with him/her it is their toy and can be taken away! I don't play electronics so gone it is.
Because riding moto is a father/kid thing, I will not take that away. I did once a long time ago and it was messed up! I learn from mistakes.

Xbox/Play station is a stupid thing to waste your life on. :thumb:
ive talked to so many of you dads that i am convinced to NOT do that with my son. The wife threw it around once when he was in trouble and we talked about it :smirk:
Got to be sure to use the correct terminology.

Video Drugs and Video Drug addiction.

I had to give up my video drug habit many years ago. It was using way too much time.

I've been addicted to dirt bikes since my first ride, but the video drugs were in the mix too. Now it's just dirt bikes. It's much better.
Honestly, I think taking a bike away can be good (dont tell your kids I said that...I dont want to be met by a hitman). Especially when you are that passionate about the sport. My dad didn't ride with me, but I think he would still take it to prove a point. He's an old fashioned kinda father. That's definitely the most effective thing to me. But, not all kids are the same, and I dont play video games.

How about of yall adopt me, you take away my video games, I get to ride again, and my grades are still low? :smirk:
Otherwise I have to wait until I'm 18 :banghead:

"Ohhh noooo!! Not the video games!!!"

"...I'll be back later, I'm going to hit the track and ditch this homework junk." :P
I had/have a hard time making myself do the school work. But you best believe when my parents said I couldn't ride that weekend unless I finished my school work, I finished it.
:lol: For the record that was sarcasm in my post. I agree with you. :thumb:

Oh I know you were being sarcastic! :lol:
There is one thing I noticed is that most of us here share the same exact view points on alot of things... with the exception of BK being an Obama supporter and that whole chronic issue...