Pro Update on Trey Canard & Ryan Morais Crash


Staff member
Why would you be on the track with 65/85's anyways? There should be different practice times for different size bikes.:prof:
It's a practice track with no set "times". We try and an alternate but that doesn't always work out as planned.

Plus some of the kid's dads are dumbarses. I remember I told one dad that he needs to tell his kid to stop cutting the track and go around the big jumps before he gets hit/landed on. A little bit later the kid, who's on a 65, somehow lays it over on the blind side of a jump. And there's a big bike approaching. Luckily the guy over-jumped it and didn't hit the kid. He told me later that he never saw the kid until he was above him. :shocked:

:bonk: Oh and guess what, dumbass dad was nowhere to be found. I about lost it. :foul:
We have some awesome vid of Monkey-Boy on his 250 - he jumped a triple and the kid in front of him only doubled it - it really freaked Nelson out because he thought he was going to land on his buddy - fortunately, they did not collide but Monkey-boy wiped out in the corner anyway :smirk: I'll see if he...errrrr....I can post up the vid. Not fun to watch as a parent.


Staff member
We have some awesome vid of Monkey-Boy on his 250 - he jumped a triple and the kid in front of him only doubled it - it really freaked Nelson out because he thought he was going to land on his buddy - fortunately, they did not collide but Monkey-boy wiped out in the corner anyway :smirk: I'll see if he...errrrr....I can post up the vid. Not fun to watch as a parent.
:thumb: Post it up.
you on an 85 would be CLASSIC, gotta get a vid of that :thinking:
:thinking: I did ride Gman's 85 a bit out in the Dez......
Im such a TC fan, i even have my bike numberd after him!