Well, I was supposed to dual sport up to MoonRocks for a weekend of Desert riding but my plans were thrown aside by some really nasty weather along the roadways I was supposed to travel. So, watching the weather intently I made the call not to go to MoonRocks and headed to Stonyford instead. I totally made the right call. The weather was fantastic all weekend and the ride there was all back roads instead of highway. My friend Reuel was camped at Stonyford and had been there for a couple weeks. It was his last weekend before returning work as a logger.
So, I got up early Friday morning and packed up all my gear. Wow, I had a lot of crap. I had my sleeping bag tied up to the back of my bike. Had five layer of clothing and gear on. One full size back stuffed to the brim. One medium sized camel pack. A pair of shoes tied to the outside of back pack, and when I got about 20 miles from camp I grabbed a six pack of beer and put the plastic bag handles in my chin strap of my helmet.
No where else to put it and can't lose the beer. 
Here are the pics from the ride to Stonyford from my house.

Arrive at camp in less than two hours from my house and only 92 miles.
Much more to follow......
So, I got up early Friday morning and packed up all my gear. Wow, I had a lot of crap. I had my sleeping bag tied up to the back of my bike. Had five layer of clothing and gear on. One full size back stuffed to the brim. One medium sized camel pack. A pair of shoes tied to the outside of back pack, and when I got about 20 miles from camp I grabbed a six pack of beer and put the plastic bag handles in my chin strap of my helmet.

Here are the pics from the ride to Stonyford from my house.

Arrive at camp in less than two hours from my house and only 92 miles.

Much more to follow......