125 They say 2-strokes don't cost as much as 4-stroke to fix? NOT IN MY CASE

Any bike can cost you $$$$$$$, doesn't matter what brand or motor type. Still remember old mate Troy :thumb: put all new guards/plastics, graphics etc on his bike, even painted the frame engine etc, first ride out we came to a killer downhill. Both my mate Paul and myself said to Troy, "you think you'll be right mate, if not we'll ride it down for you" "She'll be right Troy said :thumb: ", so off goes Paul and I first to find the best line down stopping mid way, then we heard it coming, bang crash wallop, a very nice looking Suzuki now looking very ordinary after going onto auto pilot, rider "as told to us by someone else" doing a flying W coming off taking another line into a ditch "must have looked impressive :lol: ", the damage bill kind of seen him fix the bike and sell it, our guess it was over 1k to fix it :cry: , I guess some never learn.