The Guns Thread

apparently when my great grandfather died his land and investments were sold for pennies, their value today would put us in a totally different position.
Yes. Here in NJ they treat them as a regular firearm and need a permit as well as a license. Paintball and aorsoft guns are also 18and up to buy and use.
Wow I wouldn’t have thought that much of it, had it for years and probs should never let the kids out with it then!


Staff member
Still have my daisy pump, power line 426 (ruger sr22) in BB, and at 1077 semi-auto (ruger 10/22) in .177 pellet.
here in CA, they are treated like firearms in public, but anyone 18 or older can buy them anywhere. BIG DAN:thumb:
Mine has an orange plastic plug in the end so is unable to release anything but it still builds compression and whirrs away when pressed, I should probs take it in to the cop shop and have them clear it as an antique toy or not like I see it!
Picked this up tonight, Springfield 1911 narrow frame (.45, I feel that should be obvious being 1911 but some are chambered for 9mm)