Staff member
I'd like to thank everyone that came out to the first ever DBA ride, I had the honor to meet most of you guys.
And I'd also like to thank everyone for the hospitality you guys showed this Hoosier, Especially the Racks, not everyone would let a stranger from 2K miles away, come live with them for a week. Thanks 
Here's a list of everyone that was there, if I forgot someone please PM me.
Instead of making the pre-TDay ride thread another 400 some posts.........
The first pictures,
Weathergeek's rig currently parked in the desert.

Me walking into the airport at 4am EST,
haven't been up this earlier since who knows when.
Is it still considered "up" when you don't even go to sleep? 

Short hop to O'Hare

Here's a list of everyone that was there, if I forgot someone please PM me.

- Agent2
- bajataxi
- blzftr
- boto#55
- Captain Pumpkin
- cloenard
- dgest
- Irish Hill
- James
- KTMRack
- nbeze
- NickyBiggs
- onelugnut
- redswr
- robd
- Rolls
- SRAD97750
- Stray
- tamuri07
- timoyz
- Travace
- xquadtrad
- Weathergeek
- yama_dawgg
Instead of making the pre-TDay ride thread another 400 some posts.........
The first pictures,
Weathergeek's rig currently parked in the desert.

Me walking into the airport at 4am EST,

Short hop to O'Hare