The BLM set some new regs to deal with problems at Glamis and Dumont. Some I can understand, but others no way. There is a 30 day comment period and I'm going to blast them.
Take a leak and get arrested. Wonderful. I guess when I'm out camping from the back of my truck I have to hold it all weekend. Freaking idiots I tell you. If that wasn't crazy enough, you had better get used to beer in cans. Glass containers of any kind will be illegal. Insane...
The announcement
A background story
The way I read it the Husky memorial would be declared illegal.
The regs
If you are a BLM employee you can dance naked around a pallet fire while drinking glass beers and littering. Great.
Take a leak and get arrested. Wonderful. I guess when I'm out camping from the back of my truck I have to hold it all weekend. Freaking idiots I tell you. If that wasn't crazy enough, you had better get used to beer in cans. Glass containers of any kind will be illegal. Insane...
The announcement
A background story
The way I read it the Husky memorial would be declared illegal.
The regs
BLM idiots:The following rules apply on public lands administered by the BLM California Desert District unless explicitly authorized by a permit or other authorization document issued by the BLM:
1. Public nudity is prohibited at all developed sites and areas and all ORV open areas.
2. It is prohibited for a person to ride in or transport another person in or on a portion of an ORV or trailer that is not designed or intended for the transportation of passengers.
3. It is prohibited to use as firewood, or have in their possession, any firewood materials containing nails, screws, or other metal hardware, including, but not limited to, wood pallets and/or construction debris.
4. Possession of glass beverage containers is prohibited in all developed sites and areas and all ORV open areas.
5. It is prohibited to place into the ground any non-flexible object, such as, but not limited to, metal or wood stakes, poles, or pipes, with the exception of small tent or awning stakes, at all developed sites and areas and all ORV open areas.
6. It is prohibited to camp within the areas commonly known as Competition Hill Corridor and Competition Hill located within the Dumont Dunes ORV Area, as shown in the map at the entrance kiosk.
7. It is prohibited to reserve or save a camping space for another person at all developed sites and areas and all ORV open areas.
8. All persons must keep their sites free of trash and litter during the period of occupancy.
Employees and agents of the BLM are exempt from these rules during the performance of specific official duties as authorized by the CDD Manager, or the Ridgecrest, Barstow, Needles, Palm Springs-South Coast or El Centro Field Managers.
If you are a BLM employee you can dance naked around a pallet fire while drinking glass beers and littering. Great.