Hey rezrider I can sum that up in just a few words. Shamelessly stolen from Ron White.
You can't fix stupid.
These new rules will not miracously fix stupid either, but it does give the BLM another hammer to beat those so afflicted.
It's completely and utterly sad that people can't clean up after themselves.
Rez, what you said is pretty much summed up by what Cleo/Ron White said "you can't fix stupid"
Which sucks as those are the people that ruin it for everybody else.![]()
I'm out in either the dez or SBNF at least 2 times per week, and always come home with the trash left by others. My barrell is always full when it the trashman comes. There are places that I regularly go that I have been cleaning up a bit at a time, other places that I can clean up complete when I am there. We should all be doing this. I also purchased this trick little magnet thing at Harbor Freight. It's a magnet encased in a plastic shoe at the end of a yellow stick. There is a handle with pull that allows you to pick up steel objects, and with a pull of the handle, drop them in a bucket or bag. I actually have two of them so the GF can help out when she's with me. Works great for picking up nails leftover from people burning pallets and construction debris. I always come home with at least a half a shopping bag full of nails, wire, and other sharp steel objects. If you are staging in any heavily used area, you should have one of these.
Now get your asses over to Harbor Freight before your next ride..... It's only around 9 bucks. No excuses....
I'm out in either the dez or SBNF at least 2 times per week, and always come home with the trash left by others. My barrell is always full when it the trashman comes. There are places that I regularly go that I have been cleaning up a bit at a time, other places that I can clean up complete when I am there. We should all be doing this. I also purchased this trick little magnet thing at Harbor Freight. It's a magnet encased in a plastic shoe at the end of a yellow stick. There is a handle with pull that allows you to pick up steel objects, and with a pull of the handle, drop them in a bucket or bag. I actually have two of them so the GF can help out when she's with me. Works great for picking up nails leftover from people burning pallets and construction debris. I always come home with at least a half a shopping bag full of nails, wire, and other sharp steel objects. If you are staging in any heavily used area, you should have one of these.
Now get your asses over to Harbor Freight before your next ride..... It's only around 9 bucks. No excuses....
yea i always clean up all my trash and any that was left from other shitty people. That magnet thing is going the extra step and i commend you for that... you get some roost. I never thought of those before and now will be getting one.