LPNF - Oct. 22, 2011

Yes they do race up there. I have worked races up there a few times, a few years back. And for fun one year I had a scary mask I put on, sort of sasquash looking. I was stationed right at the bottom of Whata. It was a hoot to cheer the racers on and surprise. I think most of them liked the surprise:smirk: I had to find just the right place to stand so I didnt scare them off their bikes and cost them their race yet just enough to perk them up a bit. Just like back in the old days of racing, right CDA? Those few trails you took up there are some of the only ones I'll ride:thumb: You can have Snowy, Miller etc.. The reality is, I dont have enough body strength or skills to last or man handle the bike on some of those other trails. But I know the ones you took and they are my favorite. Once you know them well the fun doubles. More speed and relaxation. I was so freaked out on my XR200 the first time up there. Now I cant wait to go back! Whata trail is my favorite.
Yes they do race up there. I have worked races up there a few times, a few years back. And for fun one year I had a scary mask I put on, sort of sasquash looking. I was stationed right at the bottom of Whata. It was a hoot to cheer the racers on and surprise. I think most of them liked the surprise:smirk: I had to find just the right place to stand so I didnt scare them off their bikes and cost them their race yet just enough to perk them up a bit. Just like back in the old days of racing, right CDA? Those few trails you took up there are some of the only ones I'll ride:thumb: You can have Snowy, Miller etc.. The reality is, I dont have enough body strength or skills to last or man handle the bike on some of those other trails. But I know the ones you took and they are my favorite. Once you know them well the fun doubles. More speed and relaxation. I was so freaked out on my XR200 the first time up there. Now I cant wait to go back! Whata trail is my favorite.
We saw a few sasquashes up there as well! Unfortunately they all had guns and didn't look very pleased to see us. I still don't have the huevos (or health insurance) for snowy or piru.I'd give Miller a shot though....in comparison to other 4x4 trails I have taken my bike on rumor has it that one is pretty cake. Familiarity of the trails is a huge boost in confidence and speed. I'm hoping to get up there more to know the trails better. Too bad it's so far away. I'd be up there every week if I could. Whata is a lot of fun! Last time we ran it there were a few good "drop offs" all of which were gone this time. With those gone going up Whata would be a lot of fun as well.
:shocked: How many cliff sections were there? :crash:
A lot of them. But some are worse than others in terms of the pitch of the hill and how far down you would go if you fell. That said there are 4-5 more that are much much worse. Talk to Cleonard about those as he has done them all (Snowy, Miller, Upper and Lower Piru, Arrastra). From what I have heard and seen on video, the consequences are much much worse, such as needing to be helicoptered out if you go over.:devil:


Staff member
A lot of them. But some are worse than others in terms of the pitch of the hill and how far down you would go if you fell. That said there are 4-5 more that are much much worse. Talk to Cleonard about those as he has done them all (Snowy, Miller, Upper and Lower Piru, Arrastra). From what I have heard and seen on video, the consequences are much much worse, such as needing to be helicoptered out if you go over.:devil:
:shocked: I'll pass.
You guys are a bunch of puss*ies!
I live for trails like that in fact, I crave it.
I get bored going 65+ for 100 miles.
Corner, jump, corner, jump, bores me too.
Give me some 1st and 2nd gear tight stuff with a 5-6 man crew and I'm a happy man!
I'm gonna hook up with Carl and do them all......