And here are the pictures, unfortunately some of them weren't on the card when I went to upload them, not sure what happened.

So I only have a couple...
And the "battle scars"
I'll keep this thread updated with the latest.
Oh and Rack, no this site isn't being closed because I got a little hurt.
Thanks again for the comments guys.
Update: July 1, 2010
So I was at the specialist today and it looks like next Tuesday, the 6th, is going to be surgery day.
Thanks for all the "get wells"
Here are a couple pictures we took today and yes that is the real color.
Update: July 6, 2010
Just a little update, I'm back home and the surgery went great.

I'll update with more later, plus I think I also have a couple pictures.
Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers.
Update: July 11, 2010
Here is the first picture after the bandage was removed.
Update: July 22, 2010
Well I saw the doctor today, the first time since surgery, and I got some new x-rays. Good news is that it's healing just fine and have great ROM. The bad news, I can't

for another 2 1/2-3 months.

The reason he gave is that the nature of the break is so bad that if I were to break it again before it's fully healed, it might not be repairable again. So I guess now I'm looking into October. Ugh :repeatablybangsheadagainstdesk:
Guess this means even more time with you guys.
Update: August 23, 2010
Saw the Doc again, he's pleased with the results, but it's just going to take more time. If you look at the x-rays you can see that the void is closing, slowly.

He seemed very confidant that it should be ok by T-Day, will know more in 6 weeks.