Different ways to spell words.

I've seen some creative writing and spelling of words here on DBA lately.

For instance, I could have written I've "scene" creative writing and spelling of words "hear" on DBA lately.

I hope you get/understand what I am trying to communicate with the examples provided.

Here are a few words that I have been used in the wrong context.

Their, there, they're
Where, wear

These are just a few that come to mind.

So when you see it or if you have seen it, post it up here in this thread.

Let's have some fun!


I created this thread with the intent of misspelled words or use in context from posts that have been made here at DBA. Not necessarily a "know vs no" kinda deal.
Lets put my profile picture up on the heading of this thread. I'm sure I could misspell and have many different ways to spell even the easiest of words. :lol:
For those words I do spell wrong you can still read what I ment to say..:P :smirk: