Close call...

Hey, if I'm young, ill run while I can, besides, I'm not going to stop my afternoon ride for some crazy bitch. I'll run if I want to, it's not a thread on if I shouldn't have run or not. Maybe you guys just get caught alot? :moon: Anyways, this forum sucks, back to TT!
:wave: Like I said, this thread did not go where you wanted it to go. We will all miss you. :P
"Close call" is when your girl friend is late...............
Double thumbs for you :thumb: :thumb: But I don't think this is going to be a problem for some if you know what I mean
I think so. I think it was suppose to go like this: "Bro! you are so badass for running like you did. You have skills and If that was me I would have "shit the bed" as Buck would say. That was a close call and glad you made it out of there OK. Again Badass Bro!!!!"

:noidea: I am not 15 anymore, but I am sure I am close..
Let me enlighten you, bro. Pardon my language, but we are not all dumb as shit. Yes I am 15, yes I do stupid stuff more than often, but this is like grouping the one conservative guy in san franny with the rest of the hippies. I'd pull my little white 140 pound self over to talk to the lady as respectfully as possible and hope she did the same, then never go back. This thread is way too :f:ing stupid for me along with most the people I hang out with :picard: