I said I want some details CDA! Please? Get off
the pussy thread and lets get back to bikes! Im interested in how to do this! I guess I could google it.
Sorry Sun, but every time I see the word "pussy" come up, I start
So to answer your question, you cut them in the area that would give you a snug fit around the filter. You do not want them to fall off or be too tight so it squeezes to much. This is installed after the filter has been put in the bike and you leave enough so you can route it outside the air box so you can reach down and pull and it comes right out leaving you with a fresh clean filter.
Now I only used this when riding the Baja 1000 when we normally would be changing about 6+ filters during the race since it is pretty dusty down there. This process cuts that in half which saves filter changing times...
Now, back to the other threads...