Easter 2013 - Spangler

After we left Barbie's we met up at Desert Corner and all three of us went off in separate directions. Rack and crew went back through the sand hills, CP and family looped around through Teagle Valley and my dad and I headed out across Teagle Valley, up and around Charlie's through Dirt Digger and back into camp.

First let's see some pics of Rack's ride back.....

Gman and Rack Jr, heading down the hill....

And up the other side they go....

Rim Dent....I got this....

Maybe not.....Where is CDA when you need him... this Rack guy is no help...:smirk:

Another Royal Flush.....

CP did not have any pictures of his ride back, so we can not enjoy his adventure, so you will have to see Dad and mine's....
We booked it across Teagle Valley, jumped the tracks and were heading towards Charlie's when we ran across this....There were no marking or anything, just the flag taped to this post.:USA:

We then crossed below Charlies and headed down along the skirts of the desert heading into Ridgecrest. Came over a hill and saw this sitting there....fresh tracks walking away, maybe in the last day or two...:thinking: stolen and a joy ride ending in torching the car, or slammed it off the embankment and it busted a line and started on fire, so they watched it burn and walked out. There were a couple fresh beer bottles left behind.

Not sure what is happen here, but I am liking the cool arrow pointing up the rock to the cross painted at the top. There is another arrow pointing to an opening and I wonder if remains are in there or a shrine...:thinking: Did not go up to find out. Maybe next time.

Spooked this local out of it's den and he or she just sat on the rock staring us down. I took a picture, :wave: and went on our way...

We headed on back to camp and logged 50 miles on the trip....:clap:

Stay tuned....
After we got back from the ride and ate some food and had some refreshments, Gman want to take Rack's Roadmaster for a spin....well that got rack Jr off the couch and me, so we did a did a hooligan session...:devil: we messed around for about 2.5 hours just around camp and between Rack and CP, they took over 400 pictures. I went through them all and though they are all awesome, I picked a few I liked and posted here.


I wanted to see how Rack's Roadmaster with the tuned down mapping and Rekluse clutch worked on the rocky hills....Not too bad:thumb:


Hooligan's Cont...

We moved off that section and found a little track to play on....

Really like this pick of Gman...The dirt in the corner looks sweet...

Rack Jr Jumping over the berm...

So that gave Rack an idea....:devil:

I think I found a spot for some HP addition...

This is classic....:wow:
Rack Jr trying to escalate the life insurance policy...

Hooligan's Cont...

I have to give credit to Rack JR for pointing this little lip out to me....

I was just checking it out here, but like the shot...

Rack was looking for a double tap, so I gave him one....:thumb:

Going up was pretty cool...I need to get that program that Trav and Shorty use to make an animation of a few pics in a row...

Hooligan's Cont....

Rack Jr was skying it out on this road/table top. He got so confident that he over jumped and landed pretty hard, resulting on him heading back to camp to call it a day.

Great shot showing him getting swallowed up on the landing...

Gman ran the fuel out of the Roadmaster and this is one of his last jumps....So he headed back only to be parked on the side of the road with a bike that would not start...

Here is my Ronnie Mac impression. :doh:

I called it a day as well and went and rescued Gman, or did I?....I pulled up and he was kicking and hitting the E button and nothing. So I said "here hold my bike" I got on the Roadmaster and noticed it was out of fuel and turned it to Reserve. Fired right up. I told Gman to ride the #5 back to camp. Before I could finish the sentence, he was gone...:lol:

Still have one more day of riding left, but I need to be some where so it will have to wait....

Stay tuned...
Those are great! but did I already see a dent in the roadmasters pipe :shocked:

EDIT: I DID, I DID see a dent :cry:
