Last night I went to MX nite at Portland International Raceway. Hub forgot to put the card back in my camera after he used it, or else I'd have taken a pic of the osprey nest atop the light pole next to the finish line. Osprey like to nest on top of high poles(ie snags). The birds had PLENTY of choices further away from the noise and excitement of the track, but they choose the pole next to the finish jump, which is also near the start. They didn't appear nervous or bothered in any way, even though there are bikes flying right under their nest. They just sat up there watching everything--a pretty dang cool viewpoint to boot!
I was thinking someone at PIR needs to keep track of these birds somehow and add the data to the argument that loud noisy smokey motorcycles piss off wildlife. Of course I think it's bad to harass or deliberately damage wildlife(like run over a nest on purpose or chase things etc), but frankly I've seen plenty enough around that if we all just go about our business we can get along just fine.
I was thinking someone at PIR needs to keep track of these birds somehow and add the data to the argument that loud noisy smokey motorcycles piss off wildlife. Of course I think it's bad to harass or deliberately damage wildlife(like run over a nest on purpose or chase things etc), but frankly I've seen plenty enough around that if we all just go about our business we can get along just fine.