Just living in the 80's. That was the color of the Hulk's uniform. You know you're jealous.
Yea...wait'll you see my helmet "WHEN" we get together for a ride.....................I'd love to share pic's but there's that thing N'edge and I have with technical shizzle.....unless he's just feeling sorry for me, I truely have no clue...did it once (on TT) but can't remember how I did it!
I'll PM you on the get together...
As for the children tdeal you've got going on......We've been/are going through it ourselves. 26 y/o daughter with many issues but coming out of her "coma", a 23 y/o son who's a "so called" alcoholic. He doesn't require a drink to function in the morning, he can go all week for that matter. Apparently you are one if you drink in excess at any one siting (binge drinking) and not remember something the next day...they consider that being an alcoholic! Maybe I am to then.....there've been times!
Hang in there...going on 4 years you don't have to be told what to expect however as they get older the smarter you become.