Or up....
I will leave that to the professional stand sitters
Or up....
............I will leave that to the professional stand sitters
I will bring the .............
when i finally paid off my honduh
where were those pic's taken BBA?
PBK most of the pics that were taken around Vegas are kind of "dont ask dont tell" riding spots that are not the most politically correct trails to ride if you know what I mean. Some others are from the AZ/NV/UT border around the Grand Wash/ Jumbo peak area and the really green stuff is NC. If I can get back out to Vegas before the year is up I would be more than glad to show you some incredible technical singletrack that will put a smile on your face but again it would be totally riding off of the cuff with no promises of "correctness".
Here's a few more. A couple of these are Nelson Hills which is a totally cool place to ride.
Hey YD; in that first pic, is that statue Dude polishing his "Buick"?