Saw this cmmercial tonight and laughed so hard! And there is even a cool bike in it!
Saw this cmmercial tonight and laughed so hard! And there is even a cool bike in it!
yea this series of commercials are the best.... also here is some of the other guy that i find hilarious
That is funny stuff right there. I laughed my ass off and so did my wife.
She wondered why i did not look likeI am
Not so much......
Pretty damn funny I tell ya! My Dad used to wear Old Spice 45 years ago. That Old Spice is some Old Shit!
Smells old too.............apparently the guy that did the comm with the bike has something going on on YOU TUBE.....I thik he sent a proposal to a girl for another guy or something like that. Suppose to be pretty funny but I haven't seen it!