This will be interesting to see how this goes, my 07 wr needs the clutch kit thing done (sorry, I don't know much about this, and that's what my hubby says he's getting). It creeps(but not consistantly?), and every once in a while it gets hard to shift(like when the bike has sat a while), then when it gets warmed up(?) it shifts better--in which case I just keep it in a gear and quit shifting till it "warms up"(say 20 mins of riding?). It's ALWAYS been a deliberate thing to shift though on this bike, half ass shifting does nada--it's not a nudge with the toe. It shifts easy(maybe even easier?) when you don't use the clutch. There isn't any bang or jump in the tranny when I shift.
I know there is one time when I'm sure my clutch overheated(I could smell a little burning), back on this wonderfully awesome bad nasty bouldery uphill before the 1st gear bog issues got fixed(it use to stall SUPER easy in 1st, so I rarely use it). Otherwise I dont' hang on the clutch, and I'm not actually shifting a lot. The bike bump starts SUPER easy(dunno if that has anything to do with it).
But anyways, hubby was curious of clutches are just bad on the wr's for a few years...I've never had a problem like this with any other bike (although those were a ttr and an xr)
Hub does the creep thing with it, and it's not consistant, also. SO we will do the clutch kit thing and see how that goes.
(and sorry if I sound like an idiot on this, I'd like to learn more
be gentle with me haha)