250 Need Part (Valve Exhaust LH 12005-1252)

Can someone please help me locate this part for my 1998 Kawasaki KX250 (Valve Exhaust LH 12005-1252)
I tried 4 different houses who's websites clearly stated that they have the part in stock and even after I called sales rep said they have the part in stock and then the next day or two days I get an email or a call that they are unable to ship the part due to the part being discontinued by Kawasaki. My bike has been apart for almost two weeks and I am getting very pissy because I cant ride :(
I was told today that there might be 3 main KAWASAKI part houses in USA, might this be true if so does anyone know what they are??? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
I moved these posts out into their own thread, in the kawi section, should give it some more visibility (not everyone reads the new member threads). :thumb:
Ok cool. Thnx. AS SOON as I Get my parts in mail I will put my bike back together, I will post more photos. (Clear and up close) :)
Did you find all the parts you need?
I found the governor rod. I put the bike back together, well most of the main parts last night. It started right up, I was happy as hell. I stayed up till 5am working on it. I messed up my gas line so I ll have to replace that. I also had issues putting the cyliner on the piston., the rings were not lined up and I couldnt get it to go on. It took some time but I got it to fit.