My daughter moved to Connecticut a couple years ago. 
When I went back for her wedding, I thought that it looked like a great place to ride
Doing my research told me that the riding there was kind of limited
She lives near Pachaug, but the videos I found looked like jeep roads, beautiful, but not what I was looking for.
So I put out a "ride share" thread on the orange site about a year ago, hoping to get an excuse to go see my grand daughter
. Not that I need an excuse..... but when a New England riding brother offered his extra bike 
tickets were bought and plans were made! He has family in Cali (neighbors with Roger DeCoster!) and now can ride out here, I can ride out there and see that grand baby!
It's a beautiful time of year back there
Don't tell anyone about the quad, shhhh.
Finally,it was time to meet up and
He said to look for signs
The staging area
My bike for the day, good thing I had matching gear
Of course we rode all legitimate trails
It was often hard to see the trail
Not alot of pictures were taken, others will be saved to protect the innocent
Found a spot for the quad crowd
And a route marker back to the bar?
Lots of rocks, roots, water crossings, mud holes, tight, twisty, tree infested, slippery leaf covered trails, I loved it!
Videos at a later date.....

When I went back for her wedding, I thought that it looked like a great place to ride

Doing my research told me that the riding there was kind of limited

She lives near Pachaug, but the videos I found looked like jeep roads, beautiful, but not what I was looking for.

So I put out a "ride share" thread on the orange site about a year ago, hoping to get an excuse to go see my grand daughter

It's a beautiful time of year back there

Don't tell anyone about the quad, shhhh.

Finally,it was time to meet up and

He said to look for signs

The staging area

My bike for the day, good thing I had matching gear

Of course we rode all legitimate trails

It was often hard to see the trail

Not alot of pictures were taken, others will be saved to protect the innocent

Found a spot for the quad crowd

And a route marker back to the bar?

Lots of rocks, roots, water crossings, mud holes, tight, twisty, tree infested, slippery leaf covered trails, I loved it!

Videos at a later date.....