HEy all, Dee got me here, well first she gave me a sticker. We met one day at a rodeo, she was riding barrels against me, she kicked my ass. We hung out drank and talked shit to all the ropers calling them little biatches and what not. Let's just say Dee and I have had many interesting adventures and we have great stories about them. (It's our little secret) I know I probably don't make sense due to my ankle surgery, (pain pill) 
You guys seem like fun. a lot of trash talkin which is what I like.
and (Dee is my secret lesbo lover)
That is all.
I ride red my nickname is blue
oh yes I ride a honda crf150r
been only riding for a year

You guys seem like fun. a lot of trash talkin which is what I like.
and (Dee is my secret lesbo lover)

That is all.

I ride red my nickname is blue
oh yes I ride a honda crf150r
been only riding for a year