I was told gas would break down the glue the filters were put together with?
used to use gas, but switched to paint thinner/mineral spirits in the solvent tank I have now. Still use gas if out of that or on a ,utli day ride and think I need to do it.
I ride all but track now.
KTM, Honda, KX, etc
use Belray foam oil, the blue sticky stuff
Stopped using grease years ago with the hard plastic filtr cages. The oil in the foam seals the filter when it is compressed by the cage against the box lip. MUCH easier to clean up this way. NEVER ruined a motor or had anything get thru unless filter dried out like with no toil
Use twin air or uni
#1 05 yz250 and 98 wr400
#2 Its the foamy thing under my seat?
#3 Mostly desert wait no all desert hehe
#4 I have this stuff called liquid power oiling tube, don't ask me its just what i got lol
#5 I soak it in gas and scrubb it out as much as i can then use dish soap and let it dry, then in the porning if it is dry then i stick it in the liquid power oiling tube soak with oil and strain out then install.
I don't know if that is the best way cuz i'm a noowbie at this stuff![]()
I used to use gas to clean and spray on blue lable super tacky oil. Gas or mineral spirits was the only thing that got that stuff off. I ended up ruining three twin air filters with gas so i stopped using gas. It ate the glue off the seams. My new method is mineral spirits only to clean. After the filter oil sinks to the bottom I pour the mineral spirits back in a bottle to reuse. I went to the Klots spray on oil as you get more filters per can and the coverage is better and less tacky being easier to clean. The one thing about the klotz is if you use a little to much it will drip out of the airbox in a hot garage on a freashly oiled filter leaving a mess down the swing arm.