I don't get why it cost $100 though. I'm sure it might make a small difference but it probably cost $5 to make. I don't think the small difference it "might" make will justify the price tag.
I'll certainly agree that the intake tract of your typical dirt bike is not optimized for laminar flow. Since I started riding big bores the lack of power has not really been much of an issue. Sure my Beta doesn't have lighting throttle response at 75 on the tarmac like a CBR1000, but that's not something that impacts my dirt bike engine choice.

Just because the intake tract is not optimized for max airflow doesn't mean that it's not engineered. I'm sure a lot of engineering goes into the overall intake system. Changing it may well upset the performance in another area. I want power at low revs as that is what keeps my butt on the seat and not in the dirt.
From a quick write up in the November Dirt Bike Mag:
"The Snap is designed to increase throttle response, enhance torque from roll-on to middle, and installs in seconds. Just before this issue went to press, we tossed one in our 500EXC, and we came away impressed. Bottom power felt more potent, and short-shifting and pulling a taller gear felt like an easier task on the trail. Very Bueno. More on it next month."

OK let me try again....

"xquadtard - I have checked out that site a few times and there is some cool stuff and info on there. Please share with the group about your interest in the 500exc mods..."

How's that Rack, better?
OK let me try again....

"xquadtard - I have checked out that site a few times and there is some cool stuff and info on there. Please share with the group about your interest in the 500exc mods..."

How's that Rack, better?
