First crash of the year

I took out a chicken wire fence while i was riding at a cousin's house. I did lay the bike down first to try to save it. I think i just ended up hurting myself first
5 years ago, I wrecked real bad on a big step up. It was on my brothers bday too hahaha :rolleyes:
After hours of riding in the rain, the face of this jump (about a 40 ft. Gap) was getting slicker by the lap, and before I knew it I slid sideways right off the lip, clipped the top, and flipped like 3 times. Broken femur, torn acl, dislocated knee, DEEP knobby tracks up my back, and another concussion to add to the list. To make it worse, my fiance was standing on top of the jump with an umbrella, and we made eye contact right before I landed. I woke up to her balling her eyes out, and my brother straightening my leg out, on the phone with 911... Looong recovery after that one. I have a rod and screws in my leg, and permanent damage to my knee. If I were wearing a brace, I wouldn't have permanent damage to my knee. I feel like I've finally gotten over this hesitation I've had on my bIke for the last few years, so hopefully my everything goes smooth :P