I HAD a great weekend at my cabin till the last minute! Then things went bad.
Got there Friday afternoon, had a great solo evening ride! Started a fire and cooked deer tenderloins and ate two dozen middle neck clams and two dozen mussels drowned in garlic butter. Corn on the cob, baked sweet potato with butter and brown sugar. A good start!
I got up at 5 am Sat morn, got the coffee on, made omelettes with left-over deer tenderloin, fresh shrooms, and pepper jack cheese! We were out just before dawn to skeet shoot a limit of doves!
We kicked ass on my property that afternoon brush-hogging 7 ft high weeds, clearing trails with the saws, hanging deer stands, and planting a 1/2 acre food plot with clover and alfalfa. We even managed to replace a gate battered by the locals trying to break into my place.
Sunday, we just had coffee at 6 am and went out and whacked more doves. Fun times! Dove hunting is ACTION! Shoot! shoot! shoot! We came back to the cabin at 9 am and made a heart-attack, colon plugger breakfast over an open fire! Bacon, sausage, eggs, cheese, peppers, onions, toasted bagels, all cooked in bacon grease!
Did some tractor maintenance because I worked the dog snot out of my backhoe, and then it was time for some fun! Did another solo afternoon ride Everywhere! Very cool! So far so good!
It was 7 pm Sunday night and getting dark. We closed up camp and loaded up the truck. The last thing to go on is this way cool bike carrier that slips into the hitch and takes less than a minute to hook up. Just roll the bike on, clamp, and go!
We were two minutes away from leaving, loading the bike, and it slipped off the carrier!
The frame of the bike mashed my finger between it and the carrier cutting off my finger tip instantly! The nail and everything from the first knuckle down was gone or total hash! It was a cool zombie slash moment as I hosed down my buddies truck with heartbeats of squirting blood!
Now I have had a lot of surgeries in the past and good bumbles, but cutting off/smashing into mush the tip of a finger hurts more than any surgery I've had! It's insane! Like sticking your finger in a fire and never taking it out...for days.
Doc says I may lose half the finger. I have to see a reconstructive surgeon to see if they can save it. Bummer of an end to a great weekend!
<a href="http://s479.photobucket.com/albums/rr159/Buckrun_bucket/?action=view¤t=fingerchop.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr159/Buckrun_bucket/fingerchop.jpg" border="0" alt="ouch!"></a>
Got there Friday afternoon, had a great solo evening ride! Started a fire and cooked deer tenderloins and ate two dozen middle neck clams and two dozen mussels drowned in garlic butter. Corn on the cob, baked sweet potato with butter and brown sugar. A good start!
I got up at 5 am Sat morn, got the coffee on, made omelettes with left-over deer tenderloin, fresh shrooms, and pepper jack cheese! We were out just before dawn to skeet shoot a limit of doves!
We kicked ass on my property that afternoon brush-hogging 7 ft high weeds, clearing trails with the saws, hanging deer stands, and planting a 1/2 acre food plot with clover and alfalfa. We even managed to replace a gate battered by the locals trying to break into my place.
Sunday, we just had coffee at 6 am and went out and whacked more doves. Fun times! Dove hunting is ACTION! Shoot! shoot! shoot! We came back to the cabin at 9 am and made a heart-attack, colon plugger breakfast over an open fire! Bacon, sausage, eggs, cheese, peppers, onions, toasted bagels, all cooked in bacon grease!

Did some tractor maintenance because I worked the dog snot out of my backhoe, and then it was time for some fun! Did another solo afternoon ride Everywhere! Very cool! So far so good!
It was 7 pm Sunday night and getting dark. We closed up camp and loaded up the truck. The last thing to go on is this way cool bike carrier that slips into the hitch and takes less than a minute to hook up. Just roll the bike on, clamp, and go!
We were two minutes away from leaving, loading the bike, and it slipped off the carrier!

The frame of the bike mashed my finger between it and the carrier cutting off my finger tip instantly! The nail and everything from the first knuckle down was gone or total hash! It was a cool zombie slash moment as I hosed down my buddies truck with heartbeats of squirting blood!
Now I have had a lot of surgeries in the past and good bumbles, but cutting off/smashing into mush the tip of a finger hurts more than any surgery I've had! It's insane! Like sticking your finger in a fire and never taking it out...for days.
Doc says I may lose half the finger. I have to see a reconstructive surgeon to see if they can save it. Bummer of an end to a great weekend!
<a href="http://s479.photobucket.com/albums/rr159/Buckrun_bucket/?action=view¤t=fingerchop.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr159/Buckrun_bucket/fingerchop.jpg" border="0" alt="ouch!"></a>