Injured CDA went in for shoulder and bicep suregery today.........

Here is a series of pictures of the tube inserted in my shoulder and you can see his tools gathering the labrum and bicep tendon together so he can tie it all up. He does do some nice knot tieing.
This is the infected bone spur that needed to be removed. The first picture is the spur before he started the removal and then next couple is of him grinding away and finishing it up.

Looks like I cannot do just an attachment on the vid files, so I will have to load those tonight when I get home...
Wow! I've been gone from the site for a while. Sorry you had to have surgery CDA. And at this point it is almost old news. Hope your doing better. Well wishes on all your physical therapy and enjoy the holidaze in kickback mode.:thumb:

Thanks Sun. I wish I was riding over the holidays but it will be enjoyable relaxing as well.:thumb:
I hope to be on the bike by Feb, but looks like I will be out of town most of that month now for work...:foul:

Hey it might be a good thing. A few more weeks for healing is not going to hurt it. Besides I have a feeling that your idea of "light" riding and you doctors might be a little different. :lol: