I went out for a nice 50 mile loop of some bitchen single track that I usually ride on my DRZ400S that weighs about 330lbs. with a full tank of gas. Well, my bike is in the shop getting some minor repairs so I have a buddy who let me ride his KDX200. What a freaking blast I had on that thing. They are pretty damn good woods weapons. Once you get used to the difference between that and the four stroke and learn where the power was in the rpm range, it was the shizz. I rode probably 10 miles an hour or more faster than I have ever hit those trails and it took such little effort it was unbelievable. I think I will be looking for a KDX200 or 220 as they are cheap and easy to find around here. What a cool bike. I don't even feel like I rode yesterday. When I do that same trip on my DRZ I am usually sore the next day. Oh, and the wheelies, let me tell you about the wheelies.
Just wanted to share the fun I had with a two stroke Kawasaki as opposed to my beast.
Just wanted to share the fun I had with a two stroke Kawasaki as opposed to my beast.