450F 2012 wr450f

Reading the features of the bike on the YAMAHA homepage. The fuel and air are YZ, and so is the frame. Im just saying this thing is built to be more of a YZ than a WR. Even though it is a WR and has the same transmission. Its too narrow to, thats not comfortable, a seriouse off-roader will go for at least 15 hours daily on average, at least I do, and I cant imagine riding with a narrow bike and having only a 2 gallon tank, I have a three and I barely make it home with gas in it. But whatever, i'll stick to my steel frame '04, it is what it is. Im still going to ride it though, and see what happens, but i dont think im going to waste my money on it.
no its built to address several issues that the old wr had. This bike will be capable of being ridden alot more aggresively than the previous generation.
I dont know, I like the feel of the suspension, and i have had no problems. But i think the major problem is that it is going to be way too snappy for trails. Dont get me wrong, i love a snappy bike. I think it will be like taking a YZ on tight trails and slow tactical riding, and we all know how well that works, not very well at all :smirk:. But we shalle see, anyone know the release date?

My 08 yz rips over the wr in the tight stuff!!!
I had a 05 wr