What would you buy for a TTR125L?

ok so I am borderline 40 and borderline retarded. No more so than my friends that race TTR 125s with me... yeah.. oldest being like 47... and FLYING!
We got a few of these bikes, and we run the snot out of them... most recently a 12ft high step up was added to the TTR track...

I am currently running a bone stock TTR but need a little more oompfff (the others are worked a bit)out of her to clear the 35ft double before the step up (I'm the only one that actually tries it)... I richened up the jetting and my new FMF pipe is on the way.... I was thinking about a stage 1 cam.... and then there is the suspension that needs to be done....
What would you do??? :smirk:
IMO, go with a high flow air filter, best thing you can do for the price. You could always bore it out, but that gets pricey, I wouldn't do it to my bike. The pipe should do alot for you too, one of the best investments you could have made. Also just another thought, you could change up your gearing for that last little oomph to get the job done.
I would drill and de-snorkel(If it has one, which I'm sure it does) the air box, obviously jet for it, hot cams like you said, suspension like you said, Is there a bigger carb you could put on it? I know the 140 and other bikes come with too small crappy carbs, so maybe the ttr does too? And a high compression piston. If you still think it doesn't have enough ummph than I would bore it out.
I'd put a 100 shot of NAWZZZZ on it son.

Seriously though... I would do some type of breather box mod... for sure..sprokets..brakes... Paint it yellow:P
I just got an email saying RMATV Had the Dunlop D773 on sale for like 28 bucks??.. It sent me the email for the klx125l ... Do they have the same size tires?