The DBA TDay Ride Report

When ever you feel like it. just send me a PM, I'll meet you there. We plan on going again for a camping trip in Feb., for presidents weekend.
Looks like you all had a great time regardless of the weather and mishaps. My back has been jacked up for 5 weeks. Tweaked it on my supermoto bike, go figure:rolleyes: Otherwise I would of come out just to have some beers and hang out. Im able to walk now but it was so bad I was hardly able to move at one point. Nothing like have 18 people at your house for T-day dinner and you can hardly walk without severe pain, let alone my 1st thanksgiving without dirt biking :cry: and to top it off a strict, old fashion Mother Inlaw on my ass 24/7, it was depressing to say the least.

James looks good in the Cali desert. I think he should consider re-locating :ride:Will you be back James? A Bi-annual trip perhaps?

How many bottles of tequila did you all go through to stay warm?

Nice to see that everyone had fun and no serious injuries. You all better keep hitting the dirt and posting up so I can get some type of fix through all of your reports. Be safe out there and HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY RACK!

Im off to Catalina this morning for the Grand Prix, spectating of course:banghead:


Staff member
My back has been jacked up for 5 weeks.
I'm sorry to hear that, hope all goes well for you. :thumb:
James looks good in the Cali desert. I think he should consider re-locating :ride:Will you be back James? A Bi-annual trip perhaps?
:picard: Guess I'll eat my words as I have to agree with you, you guys have some beautiful riding country. However for the time being I'll have to settle for Bi-annual rides (if that :bonk:). :thumb:
How many bottles of tequila did you all go through to stay warm?
:lol: Hell there were a couple times when a couple individuals had the tequila in hand before their bike had even stopped running. :P
Be safe out there and HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY RACK!
It was Cpt. Pumpkin's BDay, unless I totally missed something.
So why is a Kawi guy wearing a KTM jacket :noidea:



And now he is on a QUAD :shocked:


When ever you feel like it. just send me a PM, I'll meet you there. We plan on going again for a camping trip in Feb., for presidents weekend.
That is my planned "back on the bike" weekend. If it happens, I'll be out at Spangler again.
That is my planned "back on the bike" weekend. If it happens, I'll be out at Spangler again.

maybe i can meet ya out there with my family for this one. Already know i cant make new years this year and besides my bike wont be ready by then. So presidents day is my closest hope for more :ride:
maybe i can meet ya out there with my family for this one. Already know i cant make new years this year and besides my bike wont be ready by then. So presidents day is my closest hope for more :ride:

My kids are out of school 2/21/11 - 2/25/11 we usualy go out the Wednesday following Presidents day. The crowds have all left by then and we pretty much have the desert to ourselves :thumb:. So our dates will most likely be 2/23 - 2/27.
here is my video.

sorry its not that great.. i didn't go on very many rides and the one decent one i did i got mized up on the camera being off or on and only recorded my resting :picard: also first day the camera was pointed a bit low.... here is what i got tho
also thanks srad aka BIG Dan for his bands music :rocker:

Great vid Trav. Your pretty fast?:ride: You were third behind Bryce? Hey the wall biff was pretty funny.:shocked:

Dan your band rocks!:banana:
maybe i can meet ya out there with my family for this one. Already know i cant make new years this year and besides my bike wont be ready by then. So presidents day is my closest hope for more :ride:
I'll keep you posted Trav.

My kids are out of school 2/21/11 - 2/25/11 we usualy go out the Wednesday following Presidents day. The crowds have all left by then and we pretty much have the desert to ourselves :thumb:. So our dates will most likely be 2/23 - 2/27.
Well we might ba able to link a day in there otherwise you will just have to wait again for that dirt nap.
Great vid Trav. Your pretty fast?:ride: You were third behind Bryce? Hey the wall biff was pretty funny.:shocked:

Dan your band rocks!:banana:

i dont know about fast but i can usually keep up. It was tough on your xr... especially in the whoops. The group did have to wait up for me once when i laid it over and i guess i apparently took the hard route once as well.