NY Declaired State of Disaster in most county

So let me start by saying I HATE NEY YORK WINTERS. Not the winters the City has but, the winters of Upstate NY and Central NY. I took the day off from work to shop around for a different truck. My wife and are are on our way home Feb 24th on a Monday afternoon around 3 o'clockpm. It was a bitter cold and verry windy day. I beleive the wind gust were around 20-25 mph. I was driving then all of the sudden it was a total white-out condition. Not sure if you know what it is like being in the conditions like that. It is not fun! Visabillity was less than 25ft in front of the us. I asked my wife to tell me how close I was to the snowbanks along the road. She said about 2ft. So I knew I was on the shoulder. I was travelling about 25mph or less with thoughts of just coming to a stop. But in fear of being rearended I did not stop.
When all of the sudden there was a car directly in front of me. I turned my wheels to the right to avoid hitting the car but, it was to late. My driver's side hit her driver's side front. She was parked in my lane facing me With No headlights or fourways on (flashers). She was on the phone and outside her car before I even opened my door. After a quick are you ok, I told her she has to move her car out of the lane. She said she was stuck and could not move. So I moved my truck about 40ft up the road away from her. So the traffic can swirrve around us. I get out of my truck to get her car moved. After she got it moved she was confused and did not know what to do. Mean time my wife was on the phone and called 911. I told this woman she can not stand in the roadway. She needs to get back in her car it's the safest place for her to be. Some other driver stopped and attened this woman. She got in the other car and I started walking back to my truck. When all of the sudden My wife was yelling and screaming for me. I turned and there was a car coming straight at me! I moved and BAM it hit the ladies car in the rearend. While fighting on coming traffic the cops finally showed up. There was car, snowplows and tow trucks coming from both directions. In the time it took for the cops and fire departments shut down the road there was a total of 5 cars involved.
I HATE NY.!!!!!!!!
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New Yorkers are the worst.... They get into a fender bender and just sit in the lane blocking traffic...
I know all about upstate weather and it sucks!
I wish you guy's out in California could see this weather we have here in Upstate NY. IF I had a good phone or camera. I would post a picture. The picture would be all white.
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I wish you guy's out in California could see this weather we have here in Upstate NY. IF I had a good phone or camera. I would post a picture. The picture would be all white.
Why would we want to see it. we know it snows, we know it is cold, we know it sucks, we know California weather is the best and we can ride all year round, that is why we live here....:ride: