Sometimes Its All About The Bike.

If only he lived by me. I'm off to Barstow to do the "Timo hates the Turtle" washes and then do some more canyon exploring. I'd have that 500cc 2-stoke puking it's innards out asking to be shot and left for the buzzards. :puke::panic::cheers:
Hey Turtle if you see any of those steaks in the middle of a trail while your out there piss on it for me!:ride:
Oh Oh Oh I know. We should have CDA take him riding, with his wimpy little YZ250. However in his defense he did say he wasnt that fast. So......... I guess its not all about the BIKE. Because with out a good rider the bike dont mean shit.

How many people you know have a chair like this ( just sayin):hail:
