Jill and I staged at 9AM at the entry station parking lot. Pavement, no quads doing donuts so no dust! We took Roadrunner to Cougar to Tataviam. Then over to Backbone, Vic's Cat Trail and Badlands. Up the Powerline road to Mesa. Took the first right turn after you drop off the Powerline Road (on Masons?) and then back up Mesa to get to the scenic overlook and took a break. Then we rode to the Mesa loop and went around clockwise one and a half revs and hung a left to take us down to Lower Brome and Brome to get back to the truck for lunch.
After lunch, we went up Gorman Trail, down Powerline to East Freeman, across Flat Fanny, up West freeman to Badlands again. Took Steer Bones back to East Freeman down all the way to the West freeman junction. Up West Freeman to Homestead to Backbone. Took a left at the end of Backbone and headed up Roadrunner past Edison, which was packed. Went past a bunch of rescue vehicles picking up someone northeast of Edison and continued on RR all the way back to the entry station. About 46 miles. Packed up and were on the road at 2:15.
For as crowded as the campgrounds were and even the area when you come off Backbone wa packed with camps and staged rigs, we ran into no more out on the trails than a normal weekend riding the park. There must have been a lot of riding going on close to camp.