Who all has MX vs ATV: Alive for Xbox?

Oh please just post the directions in this thread for Edge. His response will be just too much.:lol:

:lol:, that's not how me and edge do things. we work his issues out in PM's :prof:

but in all honesty I have no freakin idea how to play Xbox :noidea:

alright now, :focus: this be jimmyjams thread, you know he will :ban:


Staff member
Tonight at 10pm EST/7pm PST, Trav and I will be playing Alive.

So you old guys need to kick your kids off the box and come join us. :P

I'm gamertag JamesG603 :thumb:
yea was some good racing. Till that one race were i lead in first the wh9ole time then on last lap i crash for no reason and my bike decides it wants to do 180 stoppies in the corner and i finish 5th :picard:.


Staff member
yea was some good racing. Till that one race were i lead in first the wh9ole time then on last lap i crash for no reason and my bike decides it wants to do 180 stoppies in the corner and i finish 5th :picard:.
But you forgot to tell the folks who won that race. :smirk:

:lol: I think that was the best race of the night. 8 riders were lined up at the gate and of course I get a bad start, which ends up putting me in the worse possible spot for the first corner pile up. :foul: Somehow Trav sneaks through and ends up leading. So I'm dead last (8th), Trav's leading, and not sure where Monkey Boy is. :noidea:

:seriousface: Time to start hammering down. Had a couple good battles on the way forward :rocker:. Then around lap 4 I pass for second, so now I'm 9-10 seconds behind 1st :ride:. That's when I hear Trav :bleep:'ing that 2nd place is closing in, he doesn't know it's me :devil: :smirk:.

Was able to knock off a couple seconds on the last lap but I knew I'd never catch him.:foul: Until I see him go down a couple turns before the finish line jump :banana:, was able to close to within 1-2 seconds. But still not enough to make a pass. :rant:

So I'm right behind him, we're entering the last corner.........and then he gets a funny little hop and stands the bike up on it's front wheel. So I ride over his rolling body and take the checkered. :rocker::ride:

:lol: There how's that for a ride report? :P

Had some good times, need to do this again. :cheers:

BTW Edge I told Monkey Boy that he needs to show you how to upload pictures and video, so no more excuses. :prof: :smirk:
But you forgot to tell the folks who won that race. :smirk:

:lol: I think that was the best race of the night. 8 riders were lined up at the gate and of course I get a bad start, which ends up putting me in the worse possible spot for the first corner pile up. :foul: Somehow Trav sneaks through and ends up leading. So I'm dead last (8th), Trav's leading, and not sure where Monkey Boy is. :noidea:

:seriousface: Time to start hammering down. Had a couple good battles on the way forward :rocker:. Then around lap 4 I pass for second, so now I'm 9-10 seconds behind 1st :ride:. That's when I hear Trav :bleep:'ing that 2nd place is closing in, he doesn't know it's me :devil: :smirk:.

Was able to knock off a couple seconds on the last lap but I knew I'd never catch him.:foul: Until I see him go down a couple turns before the finish line jump :banana:, was able to close to within 1-2 seconds. But still not enough to make a pass. :rant:

So I'm right behind him, we're entering the last corner.........and then he gets a funny little hop and stands the bike up on it's front wheel. So I ride over his rolling body and take the checkered. :rocker::ride:

:lol: There how's that for a ride report? :P

Had some good times, need to do this again. :cheers:

BTW Edge I told Monkey Boy that he needs to show you how to upload pictures and video, so no more excuses. :prof: :smirk:

:picard: that's a ride report

Where is a real one with Video:P
:picard: that's a ride report

Where is a real one with Video:P

that is actually possible. but highly nerdy.

the crappy thing was that i had a 8 second lead and out of no where i crashed... thats when you passed me james. Then right before the finish line jump my bike does a 180 stoppie and i lost 2nd 3rd and 4th :picard:

The other good race was the private race i was leading and you came back from like 5 seconds behind to pass me in the air over the last jump. I know my mic was off but i was yelling NOOOOOOOOOOOO the entire time.
yea you use a video capture card. put console next to a PC or a lap top.

they even have USb ones you just plug in. I have an old one but it sucks cause id have to hook my 360 up without HDMI and have crappy quality.