Sun, Srad and I all got a nice Tuesday ride at baldy mesa. I picked up Srad at his house met Sun at Mcdonalds and off we went. Geared up and off we went with Srad leading the way to some nice views and some nice hill climbs where we stopped and played for a bit.
Srad points to one tells me its deep sand and that him and his brother make it all the time.
so im pretty confident that i can make it. I boogie off and im doing ok till the first left turn. Thats when things get squirrely which makes me loose momentum but im determined to make it so i keep it hammered. Then i start to go off track and as soon as my back tire hits that little edge that is not all sandy.... LOOP
... landed on my feet and the bike just shot out in front of me hehe. Now i get down and Srad tells me " You just made it farther up then us"
you tricky bastard... it worked tho so thanks for the confidence 
next dan does it and gets almost as far as i did, comes down and goes straight for another climb on the other side and makes it first try. So i go do it and make it first try.
after that we took off for more fun
and eventually came up on 2 kids trying a hill climb over and over.. so we go to do that. Srad takes off first and makes it look easy. I take off and im in wrong gears out of control and going way to fast for my own good.... jumping the turn.. then on the last little sections i see two lines that have a hump in the middle ... i decide to take the one on the right and put my front tire in it and my back tire decides it wants to take the left.... bam dirt nap and it breaks my newly fabricated gopro mirror spot mount. I know i can make it so i ride down catch a breath and go at it again... camera was in my pocket this time but i made it up.. prolly even more out of control balls to the wall ... but i made it 
to end the ride we had all coasted down the fireroad with the bikes off... i caught Srad by pumping the whoops
Sorry Sun i didn't get any footage of you doing any of the hill climbs you did. I can tell you DBA this Woman is no slacker... she rides a 450 and she goes for it. She also brings awesome snacks and beers for when the ride is done. Welcome on any ride with me and next time i promise ill get some better footage of ya.
Was a great time. Big thanks to Srad for being able to make it and guiding the way. Enjoy the video in high def if you can.
Srad points to one tells me its deep sand and that him and his brother make it all the time.

next dan does it and gets almost as far as i did, comes down and goes straight for another climb on the other side and makes it first try. So i go do it and make it first try.
after that we took off for more fun

to end the ride we had all coasted down the fireroad with the bikes off... i caught Srad by pumping the whoops

Sorry Sun i didn't get any footage of you doing any of the hill climbs you did. I can tell you DBA this Woman is no slacker... she rides a 450 and she goes for it. She also brings awesome snacks and beers for when the ride is done. Welcome on any ride with me and next time i promise ill get some better footage of ya.
Was a great time. Big thanks to Srad for being able to make it and guiding the way. Enjoy the video in high def if you can.