One thing that can help is fresh gas in the tank and in the carb. If there is gas left in the carb, the light fraction tends to evaporate leaving heavier components that tend not to vaporize as easily. It helps is you end your riding day be turning off the gas and letting it idle until the fuel in the float bowl is gone. That gives you fresher gas when you try to start it for the next ride.
The same thing happens to the gas in the tank.
The put a 60 or 100 watt light bulb under the engine overnight trick will help a lot. You can get a special purpose bike block heater at
Riding at 18 does not sound like a ton of fun, but assuming it warms up during the day I could see it.
My XR refuses to start if it cold soaks below about 20.
A big part of why the starter doesn't work so well is that the cold really slows down the chemical reactions inside the battery. It just can supply the needed juice at low temps.