OK, I keep my older laptop on the coffee table, always on, and surf during commercials. I've got a wireless connection. I was on ebay and picked up this gizmo that hooks your computer into your tv and stereo system for $12 plus shipping. It's got a VGA cable that goes from your 'puter into a box, and that connects to your receiver/TV. It's got a wireless remote that you can do everything but type with. Bottom line is that it puts my 'puter screen on a 52" Plasma pumping out kick-ass sound through a Bose system. It's cool as hell watching someones video of a ride on a big screen with surround sound! Great for You-tube music videos and viewing pics and music that's on your computer too. Best $12 I've spent in a while!
Its made by ADS (Advanced Digital Systems) and it's called TV Elite. Get one!
Its made by ADS (Advanced Digital Systems) and it's called TV Elite. Get one!