Yup one of the problems with older bikes...stuff can be stripped and rusted and such without it even being your fault. So my oil drain bolt is completely stripped now. It was stripped beyond usefulness when I got the bike (last time I changed the oil was when I pulled the clutch cover off so I drained the oil out that way) and after a few futile efforts, a lot of cursing, and a busted finger last night, I finally called it a night and said fuck it. So now I have to find a safe way (to the bike of course, screw safety for me as long as I can get the work done on my bike right? ) to extract the 7mm head allen bolt from my case...what I was thinking maybe was to get a flathead drill bit that is just a bit too big to fit, hammer it in a bit to get it nice and stuck, and then get a socket with a hex head that will fit on the drill bit and voila. Any less-ghetto ideas?